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Who or what is the "Source"?

Some call it mystical power, some say the angels, and others describe it as the signals from the depths of the universe. It is fundamental in the history of mankind, this bridge to our spiritual depths.

Learn More About the Source

How can Monica's Healing & Ministries help me?

Some call it mystical power, some say the angels, and others describe it as the signals from the depths of the universe. It is fundamental in the history of mankind, this bridge to our spiritual depths.

Can energy healing services be performed remotely?

Yes, we can arrange in office, in home, or remote services for energy healing.

What is Angelic Reiki?

This healing system is based on the belief that working with angels and archangels can help us access higher dimensions of consciousness and bring about deep healing and transformation. Practitioners of Angelic Reiki use specific symbols and meditations to connect with angelic energies, which are then channeled to the recipient for healing

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